All went well, I arrived on time and we grabbed a quick cup of coffee and set out for Jack's Hill Cafe near Towcester. The bike was running extremely well in the cold damp morning air and I was just thinking what a brilliant machine this is.
I was listening to Pink Floyd's wish you were here and thoroughly enjoying it as always when I noticed a louder than usual exhaust note, I was about 2 miles short of Towcester at the time. I pulled the clutch and gave it a rev, bugger!!! it's me. I carried on to Jack's hill by which time the noise was very obvious. When I stopped outside the cafe a quick look told me that the right hand silencer had bought the farm and completely broken through where it enters the collector box.
That was my run to the Annual Rally Start Event near Barnsley cut short. After partaking of breakfast, I had to bail out and head for home. A noisy but uneventful ride put me back in Redhill where I immediately took off the broken silencer and eased the broken peice out of the collector. These silencers are the same age so I proceeded to remove the L/H one for checking, as suspected that broke in the same place, so that was also removed. I took the opportunity while in that area to remove and de-rust both stands and give them a coat of smoothrite. Now I just need to wait for David Silver to open tomorrow and I can order my new parts and get back on the road over Easter. The photo shows the two severed ends and the inside section of both silencers that you never see until they come off, pretty rotten huh!!
Steve, I can't be sure but I don't think you can grow new silencers in a grow bag!
And even if you can surely they won't grow by next week-end?!
Anythings worth a try, these are going to cost about £400
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